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How much water you really need

How Much Water You Really Need An enormous number of studies have shown that even a slight state of dehydration, even 2% dehydration, can lead to a significant, negative, that is a negative impact on our endurance, strength, our cognitive performance, including memory, focus, and creative thinking... - AH Hydration is important. I don't understand organic chemistry enough to explain it. But the gist is, your cells need fluid. There are also chemical receptors that sense when you're...

Breathe With Your Nose This tool serves many purposes. Maybe you're a bit tense or down at the start of your day. Relax. When the weather is hot/humid. There's less air so it's hard to breathe well passively. And if you're sitting or standing with bad posture right now, then your nasal pathways are closed. So to fix all those, take a deep nasal breath. This works like a drug. Here's what Huberman said about nose breathing. It warms and moisturizes the air that you bring into your lungs, which...

Resist The Instant Gratification Huberman: For every bit of dopamine that's released, there's also a circuit that creates a downward deflection in pleasure. So, after feeling pleasure, you feel pain. Dopamine is a neuromodulator. It's a chemical in your body that controls motivation. When you have a lot of it, you start to pursue and create. When it's low, you feel lazy. All of us have 'baseline dopamine'. It's our constant level of dopamine. It's genetic. And we also have so-called 'dopamine...

Cold showers. Do them. Huberman: "Temperature is a powerful stimulus on our nervous system and every organ and system of our body. Cold in particular can be leveraged to improve mental health, physical health, and performance." Cold is good for you in every way possible. The gist is, the cold shower helps you if you are: Tired, lazy, distracted Unmotivated Recovering from a workout Trying to beat your personal best Feeling unhealthy Battling with anxiety and negative thoughts Feeling...

The Only Focus Tool You Need There's a set of circuits within us that allows us to identify what we want and then lean into the effort and then do that in a persistent way that allows us to reach our goals. and if we can do that with an intrinsic sense of pleasure. Well, that is nothing short of magic but of course, it's not magic it's science. See all the tips you learned so far? They're useless compared to this one. Intrinsic motivation excites you and lets you tap into extreme focus even...

How To Optimize Your Workspace Hey, here's a list of workspace tips to enhance focus. These are exact quotes with some edits for clarity. Let's start. 1. Limit Your Visual Window We never really want to be looking at a square or rectangle or target area for our work that is too far beyond our ears. How far is too far? Really, you want to try and keep the blinders on, or I should say the invisible blinders so that whatever you're looking at falls within the region of visual space in front of...

Foods That Can Enhance Your Focus & Concentration Here's a list of supplements and food tips to improve focus. These are exact quotes with some edits for clarity. Dosages are in bold. Let's start. 1. Leverage Caffeine There is an immense amount of data supporting the idea that caffeine, has improvements in focus and concentration. The caffeine in Yerba maté and coffee is known to increase the density and efficacy, that is the number and the function of dopamine receptors, and this has been...

Why You Lose Focus (+ How To Fix It) Most people are sort of in their heads a lot. They're not really present to what they're doing, they have an interoceptive bias. They're focused more on what's going on internally than they are focused on what's happening externally. ~ AH Let's say you're in the middle of a focus session. Everything is going great. And then all of a sudden. You can't focus; the words stop making sense, you can't write another line, or your brain just freezes. Your brain...

How To Overcome Digital Distractions Interruptions really are bad for our ability to sustain focus. It's not just about the distraction that occurs for a minute or five minutes when we're interrupted, it's also about the additional time to get those brain circuits to re-engage to a mode of focus ~ AH Distractions. They take your attention away from the thing you wanted to focus on. They could be external, like a notification. Or internal, like feeling bored. Today, we'll help you cut the...

Why Your Work Is Too Easy Most people think of stress as impairing our ability to focus, but that's actually not true. When we are stressed, it involves the deployment, the release of adrenaline, epinephrine, and that adrenaline narrows our vision to a more tunnel-like focus. They did a study on 47 healthy males. They assessed concentration performance using the d2 test of attention before and 30 min after the stress or control task. They measured salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase...