Huberman Tip of the Day!

Define Your Marginal Decade

Until a person can tell you what it is that they want to be doing in that last decade, you can't design a program to get them there. All of this other stuff, programs, and diets, are just abstract and kind of nonsense. - Peter Attia

A marginal decade is the last 10 years of your life. You will go through them, no matter what.

However, how you live those final years is up to you. You can run ultramarathons or struggle to get out of your chair. Neither is bad. It's about what you want.

What do you want to be doing in those last 10 years? Do you want to run with your kids? Lift weights? Go hiking? Read philosophy books to get over your fear of dying :)?

You can do anything. But you need to know what it is. Otherwise, you can't plan for it.

Action for the day

Imagine you're 80 years old. What activities do you still want to do?
--- Actively think about this. Examples: travel, run, deadlift, remember things, play basketball, etc.

Okay, so if you want that at 80, what should you do today to get that goal?
--- Quit smoking? Get a gym membership? Eliminate sugar? Stretch your mid-back?

Whether you're 25 or 45 or 65, knowing this gives you a clear goal to aim for. It lets you make smarter decisions now because you know how a tiny action can prepare you for a happy and fit life in your final years.

Think about your marginal decade.

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